The Best Server OpenVPN

Indonesia Link

Our server uptime 99% with 1 - 3 GBps bandwidth and SSD Storage that can make the server more faster

Latest News Server HideSSH:

  • Get account premium with pay as you go payment systems Check Menu
  • finished repairing all types of tunneling services
  • All Server Support Wilcard Domain:  (any).(server.)
  • Support : SSH Websocket, SSH SSL/TLS , SSH Over Websocket CDN  CloudFront
  • Example Payload   : GET / HTTP/1.1[crlf]Host:[crlf]Connection: Keep-Alive[crlf]User-Agent: [ua][crlf]Upgrade: websocket[crlf][crlf]   

  • Download Config OVPN :
  • Example Config Payload :

FIX Problem and New Features Tunneling:

  • SSH = Websocket , CDN, SlowDNS
  • Xray =  Vmess ,Trojan and Shadowsoks Type (Webscket , GPRC) Type SSL/TLS , Non TLS

Warning :

  • Please do not share your account, If you share your account so system will immediately delete your account.
  • You can use 1 SSH account for 2 connections at once.

Important note

  • if there is a problem creating an account can Meu, Click Live Chat or Contact US or Email
  • RESET TIME ACCOUNT PREMIUM :  check the website below
  • Please Support this Website ( Share Website to Sosial media : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Anymore)

Create Free OpenVPN Account on Indonesia Link Server Valid for 3 Days Active


Our Internet Service Provider

digital ocean

This server include OpenSSH and Dropbear protocol support SSL/TLS Conenction with Premium Unlimited Bandwidth.
Create instantly!
Indonesia Link Port Information
Server Name Indonesia Link
Account Validity 3 Days
Protocol TCP & UDP
TCP Port 1994
UDP Port 2200
OpenVPN Websocket 2086
Bandwidth Unmetered
Port Speed 1 GBps
Remaining Accounts 10 Accounts
How to create OpenVPN Account Indonesia Link ?
  • Fill your username. Your username must consist of 3-20 characters.
  • Fill your password. Make sure your password is strong. Your password has to consist of more than 6 characters. You can fill it with alphabet , numbers, or combination of them.
  • Check captcha as shown on the form.
  • Clicks create, and wait 10 Second.
  • Your OpenVPN Account Indonesia Link are ready to use
  • Happy Surf.
Can be use in:
  • KPN Tunnel Revolution (Android)
  • HTTP Injector (Android)
  • Bitvise Client SSH (PC)
  • etc.
Create OpenVPN Account Indonesia Link Server
VIP Account Download Config
Account Result

Guide and Informations About OpenVPN

OpenVPN is open-source commercial software that implements virtual private network (VPN) techniques to create secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities. It uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange.

We support new methode : OpenVPN Over Websocket CDN Cloudflare, Open VPN CDN, OpenVPN Websocket,  OpenVPN over Websocket (OpenVPN WS), Cloudflare, CDN, WSS, Amazon Cloudfront

OpenVPN is both a VPN protocol and software that uses VPN techniques to secure point-to-point and site-to-site connections.

With OpenVPN, you can:

  • tunnel any IP subnetwork or virtual ethernet adapter over a single UDP or TCP port.
  • configure a scalable, load-balanced VPN server farm using one or more machines which can handle thousands of dynamic connections from incoming VPN clients.
  • use all of the encryption, authentication, and certification features of the OpenSSL library to protect your private network traffic as it transits the internet.
  • use any cipher, key size, or HMAC digest (for datagram integrity checking) supported by the OpenSSL library.
  • choose between static-key based conventional encryption or certificate-based public key encryption.
  • use static, pre-shared keys or TLS-based dynamic key exchange,.
  • tunnel networks whose public endpoints are dynamic such as DHCP or dial-in clients.
  • tunnel networks through connection-oriented stateful firewalls without having to use explicit firewall rules.
  • create secure ethernet bridges using virtual tap devices.
  • control OpenVPN using a GUI on Windows or Mac OS X.

How To Connect OpenVPN

Connect to a VPN server using OpenVPN client


  1.  Download and install the OpenVPN client .
  2.  Download the VPN Configuration files of the server you need / after you create account from our server.
  3.  Save the downloaded VPN Configuration files to the / config folder of the OpenVPN client.
  4.  Run the OpenVPN client as Administrator.
  5. Right-click on the OpenVPN client icon in the system tray, select the desired configuration file and click Connect . During the connection process, enter the Username and Password from the page of the server you selected.


  1. Download and install the OpenVPN Connect for Android.
  2.  Download the VPN Configuration/ VPN Config files of the server you need.
  3.  Import the downloaded VPN Configuration files from the OpenVPN Connect program menu ( Import line ).
  4.  Enter the username and password that you have created on our site with server you are selected.
  5. From the page of the server you selected, then click Connect.

Server Statistics

Statistics from all of Our tunneling servers.


SSH Servers


SSH Account Created


SlowDNS Servers


OpenVPN Account Created


WireGuard Account Created


L2TP/IPSec Account Created


V2Ray/VMess Account Created


Shadowsocks Account Created


TrojanGo Account Created